
Project from 1999 to 2003: Home Design and Improvement System

Software Engineering Laboratory Project

Home Design and Improvement System

The Home Design and Improvement System, HDIS, is intended to integrate and unify all activities related to construction and improvements of homes. Constructing a new home or renovating an existing home can require a high number of interactions with numerous individuals, companies, and stores. The purpose of HDIS is to utilize computing technology in a positive way to enhance, facilitate, and promote this activity. To do so, there is a requirement for interactions with the following individuals and services:

  • Suppliers of construction and improvement goods, e.g., lumber yards, hardware stores, plumbing, electrical, and lighting supply stores, garden centers, flooring and furniture stores, etc.
  • Contractors of construction services, e.g., general, electrical, plumbing, paving, foundation, security, landscape, etc.
  • Architects for new home and improvement design that includes cost estimation and high-tech display capabilities. In this situation, HDIS may need to be integrated with available software systems that already provide these capabilities.
  • Interior designers for lighting, furniture, wallpaper and window treatments, rugs, etc.
  • Landscape designers for all outside flowers, shrubs, trees, walkways, fences, pools, etc.
  • Financial institutions for new home mortgages and home equity / improvement loans. In this case, HDIS will likely interact with commercial systems.
  • Home owners to allow them to track all aspects of their project and if desired to function as the general contractor for managing and scheduling all of the construction work. Some of the previous individuals and services (like architects and financial institutions) will also need to support interactions with existing commercial software. To support the functional and operational requirements of HDIS, there are a number of databases that must be present:
  • House Plan Database: Contains the blueprints and construction supply lists for thousands of different homes. The construction supply list is helpful in ordering all of the materials that are needed to build or renovate a home. The blueprints are also needed for landscape and lighting designs, which also have associated materials (plants and light fixtures).
  • Supplier Databases: These are databases that contain a list of the materials or items that are available (including pricing information) at each of the suppliers. For example, a lumber yard supplier database would contain the different types of dimensional lumber, windows and doors, nailing, roofing materials, etc.
  • Schedule Database: Needed to allow the entire project to be tracked, to insure that goods are delivered when needed and contractors work is allocated correctly. For example, on a new home, the plumbers and electricians must finish their work, and have that work be inspected, before the plasters can begin to work on the inside walls.
  • Accounting Database: Allows a homeowner to track both incoming (from loans) and outgoing funds. The outgoing funds pay for both goods and services.
  • Contractor/Designer Database: Contains information on all of the available contractors and designers in a particular area (county or state).
  • Financial Database: Contains information on all of the financial institutions that lend money in a particular area (county or state). The up-to-date interest rates for different loan options would also be stored.

These database are critical for supporting and promoting the sharing and exchange of information among the many individuals that require access to HDIS.

All of the previous individuals and services will require specialized user interfaces to handle the information and processing that is required. Some possible interfaces include:

  • Contractor Interface: Allows a contractor to view house plans and submit bids for the jobs. To do so, this interface will also have to interact with supplier databases so that cost estimation can occur.
  • Architectural Interface: Allows the house plans to be electronically accessed and viewed. The viewing may occur via another system that is geared towards architectural design. Some emerging systems in this field allow users to walk through the house in a simulated three-dimensional mode.
  • Landscape Interface: Similar to Architectural Interface for landscape design.
  • Schedule, Supplier, and Funding Interfaces: Separate interfaces to support the scheduling of goods and services, the access to supplier data including pricing, and an electronic means to submit a loan application.
  • Home Owner Interface: The home owner interface must contain many of the features of all of the different interfaces, particularly for those situations where a home owner is acting as his/her own general contractor.

Remember, this is not an exhaustive list of all user interfaces for HDIS.

Project from 2004 to 2006: Banking System
Project from 2007 to present: Stock Trading System






  1. 开设证券帐户
  2. 办理证券帐户是走进股市的第一步。证券帐户可以视为投资者进入股票交易市场的通行证,只有拥有它,才能进场买卖证券。


    • 证券相关从业人员(不得开立股票帐户);
    • 未成年人未经法定监护人的代理或允许者;
    • 未经授权代理法人开户者;
    • 因违反证券法规,经有权机关认定为市场禁入者且期限未满者;



    • 个人股票帐户号码
    • 登记日期
    • 个人的姓名
    • 本人性别
    • 本人身份证号码
    • 本人家庭地址
    • 本人职业
    • 本人学历
    • 本人工作单位
    • 本人联系电话
    • 如果请人代办,代办人还须提供身份证


    • 法人股票帐户号码
    • 有效的法人注册登记号码
    • 营业执照号码
    • 法定代表人的身份证号码
    • 法人姓名
    • 法人联系电话
    • 法人联系地址
    • 法定代表人授权证券交易执行人的姓名
    • 授权人有效身份证号码
    • 授权人联系电话
    • 授权人地址
  3. 挂失,补办证券帐户
  4. 如遇投资者的证券帐户不慎丢失,为维护已办理指定交易的投资者利益,需要对证券账号实行挂失并办理重新开户手续。在具体操作中,挂失有序按照一下手续进行:

    • 认真审查投资者的本人身份证或法人注册登记号;
    • 证券帐户下所有的证券予以冻结;
    • 按照开户的手续,重新申请证券帐户;
    • 拿到证券帐户卡后,投资者就可以进入市场买卖证券了;
    • 通过重新将证券帐号和资金账号关联,通过交易客户端买卖股票了。
  5. 销户证券帐户
  6. 如果您因各种原因不再使用证券帐户,可凭本人身份证和证券帐户卡到指定交易的证券营业部办理(未指定的必须先办理指定交易)证券帐户销户手续。投资者在办理证券帐户销户前,必须卖出该帐户中的所有证券。



  1. 开设资金帐户
  2. 设立资金帐户时,须提交本人身份证和证券帐户卡,并将资金帐户和证券帐户相关联,投资者在资金帐户中的存款可随时提取,证券经纪商按活期存款利率定期计付利息并自动转入投资者的资金帐户。投资者委托买入时,资金帐户要有足够的余额。资金帐户需要设置交易密码,以便在交易客户端使用。另外,还需要设置及取款密码,用于从资金帐户里面取出资金。帐户开设完毕,用户会得到一张类似于银行卡的,资金帐户卡片。通过在证券经纪商指定的交易客户端设备上面刷卡,并输入资金帐户设置的密码登陆,便可以发出买卖股票的指令,查看资金帐户的资金情况和证券帐户内的股票信息。


  3. 添加和取出资金
  4. 通过资金帐户卡和密码,投资者可以从证券经纪商处追加或者取出资金帐户内的可用现金。

  5. 修改资金帐户密码
  6. 资金帐户密码可以有两张方法修改:

    • 投资者可以在证券经纪商处在开设资金帐户的设备上,通过输入原有密码和新密码来修改;
    • 投资者还可以在证券交易客户端通过输入原有密码和新密码修改。
  7. 挂失,补办资金帐户
  8. 如遇投资者的资金帐户卡不慎丢失,为维护已办理指定交易的投资者利益,需要对资金帐户卡实行挂失并办理重新开户手续。在具体操作中,挂失有序按照一下手续进行:

    • 认真审查投资者的本人身份证或法人注册登记号以及证券帐户号码;
    • 资金帐户卡被注销,并且帐户内所有的资金予以冻结;
    • 证券帐户下所有的证券予以冻结;
    • 按照开户的手续,重新办理资金帐户;
    • 新资金帐户将会将复制丢失的资金帐户的全部信息,包括资金数量。此时资金和证券账号重新激活,投资者可以再次进行交易了。
  9. 资金帐户销户
  10. 资金帐户是用户在某个证券经纪商处开立证券交易结算资金帐户,如果遇到某种原因,用户需要更换证券经纪商,那么就需要对资金账户进行销户。销户的手续可以分一下几个步骤:

    • 投资者在销户之前,必须取出帐户内的所有现金;
    • 投资者通过证券经纪商,向证券交易中心申请将资金账号和证券账号分离。证券帐户被冻结,因为没有资金账号,所有投资者无法买卖股票;
    • 投资者在其他证券经纪商处,开设新的资金帐户并将其和证券帐户挂钩,然后又可以进入交易所进行交易。当然,如果需要购买新的股票,需要在资金帐户种存入足够的资金。
